

The Center for 社区参与 coordinates and supports opportunities for faculty and departments to engage in community-based work through their service, 教学, 和研究. If you are interested in developing a community-based project, please contact Jessica Starr at 杰西卡.Starr@sh-fyz.com. The activities we support include:

Community-Based Scholarship - The Center for 社区参与 supports faculty who are interested in scholarly and creative work completed in collaboration with a community partner and with the intended outcome of improving the public good. This support includes a variety of grant opportunities, as well as assistance with identifying appropriate external collaborators.

社区服务假期- Most benefits eligible employees qualify for up to 15 hours of paid leave per fiscal year for volunteer activities during working hours. Chaperoning a child’s 学校 trip, working a 学校 or civic organization’s fundraiser, and volunteering at a non-profit organization, 学校, nursing home or hospital are just a few of the services for which leave can be granted. Click here for more information on the policy: 社区服务 Leave Policy

Click here to apply for the 社区服务 Leave: 社区服务 Leave Request Form

社区服务 - The Center for 社区参与 helps external partners locate faculty with specific expertise to serve as consultants, 董事会成员, 培训师, and fill other service roles. We also help students, faculty, and staff find volunteer opportunities.

Curricular Engagement Survey - bc菠菜导航’s Curricular Engagement Inventory (CEI) is an annual review of community engagement and experiential learning practices within academic courses. Click her for more information: Curricular Engagement Survey

从实践经验中学习 - The Center for 社区参与 assists faculty with the development of community-based courses and curriculum, 包括 服务学习 和实习. 除了, we are available to help connect you and your students with community-partners in education, 商业与工业, 政府, 非营利部门.

application-pdf.png 社区参与 杂志s

If you are interested in developing a community-based project, please contact the Center for 社区参与 at 812.237.2334 or isu-engagement@mail.sh-fyz.com.


There are many diverse opportunities for students to volunteer in the local community. Whether your interests are in the arts, 读写能力, 青年发展, 环境, 体育, human services or faith-based organizations, the Center for 社区参与 will assist you in finding the right volunteer opportunity. We regularly work with several community partners whose volunteer needs are profiled below.


Spring 2024 Service Learning 教师 Learning Community application available, due February 1, 2024

The Center for 社区参与 and the 教师 Center for Teaching Excellence is offering a seminar that focuses on the creation and development of service-learning courses.

The sessions will focus on forming and maintaining community relationships, 风险管理, 作业, data, 评估, and implications for tenure, 晋升及检讨. Attendance is required at each session. 教师 will explore the concepts of community service and experiential learning, develop and deploy a service-learning course, and complete a course 评估 plan relative to service and experiential learning.

The required session dates for the Spring 2024 semester are February 7, 21, 和28, 3月27日,  4月10日和17日. We will meet from 11-12:30 p.m. in the FCTE (1st floor of the Cunningham Memorial 图书馆). 

There are specific requirements for faculty who are approved to participate in the Service Learning 教师 Learning Community. 除了, a $1000 stipend is offered for completion of the program. The deadline to apply is February 1, 2024. For more information, contact Cat Paterson in the CCE. To apply for the SLFLC, click on this link: http://indstate.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_eXRwwYATf249vRc 



Center for 社区参与

Tirey Hall 134


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